Everyday we see stories of celebrity couples divorcing or breaking up. The tabloids love to exploit the "drama" or the "inside story" whether it may be true or not.
Side note: I am 21. Just by the people I know through high school, college, or just everyday life there are already so many people that have been married and/or divorced.
"Well that's life for ya," is what you'll hear from everybody. Divorce comes from many things and some times the reasons can be selfish.
There are a lot of people who grew up with their parents divorced and for most of them it seems that a pattern has already been set on how everything is going to be. I did not get that particular case. My parents divorced this past March right before my 21st birthday.
I am not going to go into the details of their divorce because that it is personal business and that is not fair to either side. What I plan to do is share my side and experience with it.
The main reason for the divorce is that they were simply not meant to be together. The problem is it took them about two decades to figure that out. In my case I didn't have to deal with my parents' separation growing up. So now I am adapting as an adult living hours away.
Going to see family is the worse. You are expected to spend time with mom then spend time with dad. You are still expected to see everyone and make appearances. People get upset no matter what the situation. It is stressful. Me, I am the type of person who has to even everything out.
One thing I have learned is that being fair isn't practical. You see people when you see them. Trying to make everyone happy is only going to make you miserable. When no one can get along it is messy and confusing because of all the lack of communication.
Here are some things that are helping me.
1. "You'll see us when you see us..."
My papa told this to me during one of my visits back home. I was stressing about trying to divide up my time between people. A weekend is all the time I get and it's nearly not enough time. He said, "You'll see us when you see us. You are busy and if we don't see you that's okay." So much stress was taken. Elders, they help so much.
2. Staying Positive.
My boyfriend and I attend Life Church and they are currently on the series called "Stay Positive." When I am stressing out, I think about all the good things that are happening in my life. There is so much negativity in the world and it helps to be positive as much as possible. Being negative will not help you advance in life. Be positive. Be positive. Be positive.
3. A Supporting Crew
In my previous post
"FRIENDS: The family you wish you had" I talked about how you need people around that can be supporting and understand you. I have friends that I know are there for me and when anything odd or big would/does occur they are always there to listen. Friends choose you, so they know how to deal with your crazy. My boyfriend is one of my biggest supports. He is constantly there for me when I have to rant or I am freaking out. I do not know what I would do without him or my friends.
4. My Brother
My little brother is a reason I can deal with the change. We are always there for each other and listen to what we have to say. We are incredibly close and would probably not be very (emotionally) strong if we did not have each other. He is going through so much right now and he is being incredibly strong. I have to stay level-headed for him. I have to be the one he can rely on to be there for him and offer honestly.
5. My Goals
Keeping goals is important. I have worked hard to put my self through college and I am just short of a year from graduating. I am excited to start my life. I stay optimistic about reaching a goal I have set for myself. Outside stress is not going to ruin my dreams. I can block out the bullshit and drama and do what needs to be done to improve myself. I know that the outside world is going to be tough once I graduate but walking across that stage is going to be sweet enough for me.
I have learned that you cannot please everyone. You have to be able to live your life. No matter the stress or the craziness. Divorce is rough no matter which way you look at it. There are plenty of other children of divorced parents that I have to deal with the tugging and pulling from one side to the other. We all learn to deal with it in the ways that seem to make more sense to us.
Be Positive. Be Productive. Be Supported.
Thank you for making it to the end of my long personal post. Here is a golden star.